It is not enough to work with inner children in a purely bodily way – nor is it enough to work with inner children in a purely cognitive way.
Inner-child work is one of the core processes of The Gaia Method.
Susanne Roursgaard developed Regenerative Therapy during the years 2008-2012. This therapy is unique in its form, merging bodywork and cognitive therapy into a process combining points, touch, energy work, breath, sound and cognitive communication and understanding.
The process gives the practitioner a tool to identify, through a bodily approach, where an issue has embedded itself into the body and work from there - even when there is not enough cognitive access to know if a bodily or emotional activation is linked to an inner child or not.
Reparenting is necessary.
The client is guided to reparent their own inner children, to create a connection to the child so the child no longer looks outside the client in search for a way to fulfill the needs stemming from old wounds. Wounds that can never be healed outside the client.
Inner children require an additional body of work to be re-integrated back into the whole. When this process is lacking an assumed healed inner-child will emerge again and again to show it is still present within and still holds power over the client.
This is where this unique process comes in.
The process allows the nervous system to create healing through the creation of new neuron pathways for the wounded parts as well as provide the client with a knowledge about how to nurture their own inner child.

It has been a really great experience. The subject (BEDST) was exactly was I was looking for for sessions. That framework, in which I can flow with the processes that arise. I love the combo of theory, dry runs, practice ànd personal proces. I also noticed that my personal proces during a session was a great teaching and understanding of how processes can unfold in the body. And in the next session when I was giving I could incorporate that.

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